The Cyprus Amateur Radio Society (CARS) is the national membership organisation for Amateur Radio enthusiasts. The society was first founded in 1975.

The CARS looks after the interests of the Cyprus’s licensed Radio Amateurs and is a not-for-profit organization that:

  • Represents all radio amateurs when working with the authorities to ensure that the amateur spectrum is protected.
  • Is a member of the International Amateur Radio Union, representing Radio Amateurs at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the organisations that look after frequency spectrum allocation and usage. The IARU works constantly at World Radio Conferences and behind the scenes to ensure that amateur allocations are protected and even expanded.
  • Facilitates the exchange of information and ideas regarding the practice of Radio Communication, science and other relevant subjects among its members.
  • Aims to obtain the maximum liberty of action consistent with safeguarding the interests of all concerned.

CARS membership is open to all who have an interest in Radio Communications. Membership gives you a voice in how amateur radio is governed in Cyprus and the opportunity to influence the direction and policy of the CARS. The CARS is a membership-focused organisation. The society central committee is elected nationally. Additionally, each region is represented at the national society by the regional clubs committee, elected on a regional basis.

Ham Radio Programing