Introducing Spectrum Alert: Your Simple RF Spectrum Monitoring Solution

Blog Post: Introducing Spectrum Alert: Your Ultimate RF Spectrum Monitoring Solution

In today’s increasingly crowded radio frequency (RF) spectrum, unauthorized and illegal transmissions are a growing concern. As radio amateurs and professionals, it’s important to have tools that can help monitor and maintain the integrity of the spectrum. Whether you’re trying to identify signal anomalies, locate unauthorized transmitters, or simply keep an eye on spectrum usage, Spectrum Alert is here to help.

This blog post will introduce you to Spectrum Alert, a powerful and versatile tool for real-time RF spectrum monitoring, anomaly detection, and RF fingerprinting. With versions optimized for both high-performance machines and lightweight devices like Raspberry Pi, Spectrum Alert makes it easier than ever to deploy scalable, automated spectrum surveillance.

What is Spectrum Alert?

Spectrum Alert is a software suite designed to help you monitor ham radio bands and detect anomalies in RF signals. By using RF fingerprinting and machine learning models, Spectrum Alert can automatically identify suspicious activities in the spectrum, detect unauthorized transmissions, and even help you locate the source of these signals through triangulation and direction finding.

The software collects and analyzes In-phase and Quadrature (IQ) data from an RTL-SDR device, processes it in real-time, and outputs the results via MQTT or logs for remote monitoring. It also allows you to create RF fingerprint models to identify specific devices based on their unique signal characteristics.

Key Features

1. Real-Time RF Spectrum Monitoring

Spectrum Alert continuously scans ham radio bands and provides real-time feedback about RF signals, anomalies, and signal strength. It publishes data to MQTT, enabling remote monitoring across multiple locations.

2. Anomaly Detection

Using machine learning (Isolation Forest), Spectrum Alert can detect anomalies in the RF spectrum. These anomalies may indicate illegal transmissions or unauthorized devices. Once detected, alerts can be published to an MQTT broker for real-time notifications.

3. RF Fingerprinting

One of Spectrum Alert’s standout features is its ability to perform RF fingerprinting. It can train a machine learning model to recognize specific devices based on the subtle characteristics of their transmissions. This is incredibly useful for identifying persistent offenders or unauthorized devices transmitting in your monitored bands.

4. Automated Workflow

Spectrum Alert provides a fully automated workflow. You can gather IQ data, train your models, and start real-time monitoring all in one go. The software is designed to skip steps if existing datasets or models are already available, making it smart and efficient.

5. Lite Versions for Raspberry Pi

For users who want to deploy the system on low-power devices, Spectrum Alert offers lite versions optimized for the Raspberry Pi. These versions reduce resource usage while retaining core functionality like data collection, model training, and monitoring.

Why Use Spectrum Alert?

With Spectrum Alert, you can automate RF spectrum surveillance and have real-time access to anomaly detection and RF fingerprinting. This tool is invaluable in a range of use cases, including:

Use Case 1: Monitoring Ham Radio Bands for Anomalies

Ham radio operators often encounter unauthorized signals or interference in their allocated bands. Spectrum Alert can help continuously monitor these bands, flagging anomalies that may indicate unauthorized transmissions, pirate radio stations, or malfunctioning equipment.

Use Case 2: Triangulating Unauthorized Transmissions

Deploy Spectrum Alert on multiple devices across different locations to perform direction finding. By correlating anomalies detected across these devices, you can triangulate the source of illegal transmissions and pinpoint the location of unauthorized broadcasters.

Use Case 3: RF Fingerprinting for Device Identification

In environments with multiple RF devices, Spectrum Alert can learn the unique fingerprints of specific devices. This is helpful when tracking down persistent offenders or when ensuring that only authorized devices are operating within a certain frequency range.

How Spectrum Alert Works

The Spectrum Alert software provides an intuitive, menu-driven interface for users to interact with. The core workflow includes the following steps:

1. Gather Data

Users can choose to gather RF data from a configured set of ham radio bands. This data is collected from an RTL-SDR device and saved for further analysis or training.

2. Train Models

After gathering data, users can train machine learning models to detect anomalies or perform RF fingerprinting. Spectrum Alert provides options for both full-featured and lite versions of model training.

3. Real-Time Spectrum Monitoring

Once models are trained, Spectrum Alert continuously monitors the spectrum for suspicious signals. Anomalies are flagged in real-time and reported via MQTT or logs, allowing users to stay informed of potential illegal transmissions.

4. Automated Process

For users who prefer an all-in-one solution, Spectrum Alert offers an automated process. The software can gather data, train models, and monitor the spectrum in one continuous flow. This makes it easy to deploy Spectrum Alert in environments that require continuous monitoring with minimal human intervention.

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Real-Time Spectrum Monitoring for Unauthorized Signals

Suppose you’re a ham radio operator concerned about unauthorized transmissions interfering with your allocated frequencies. With Spectrum Alert, you can set up a Raspberry Pi with an RTL-SDR dongle to continuously monitor your ham bands. If Spectrum Alert detects an anomaly (such as an unauthorized signal), it will alert you via MQTT so that you can investigate further.

Scenario 2: Detecting and Locating Illegal Transmissions

Imagine you’re tasked with identifying and locating pirate radio stations operating on unauthorized frequencies. By deploying Spectrum Alert on multiple devices placed at different locations, the software can correlate detected anomalies across multiple receivers. This information can be used to generate a heatmap of suspected device locations, allowing you to triangulate the source of illegal transmissions.

Anomaly Detection and Heatmaps

One of the most exciting features of Spectrum Alert is its anomaly detection capability. Using machine learning, the software identifies signals that deviate from normal patterns. These detected anomalies could represent unauthorized transmissions, faulty equipment, or signal interference.

Creating a Heatmap of Suspected Devices

When multiple devices are deployed, Spectrum Alert can help build a heatmap of suspected devices and anomalies. By analyzing anomalies from different locations, you can triangulate the position of unauthorized transmitters and visually represent their activity on a map. This is particularly useful for enforcement agencies or amateur radio enthusiasts interested in tracking down illegal transmitters.

How to Get Started

To get started with Spectrum Alert, simply follow these steps:

  1. Install Spectrum Alert on your machine (or Raspberry Pi).
  2. Configure your ham bands in the config.ini file.
  3. Connect your RTL-SDR dongle to your device.
  4. Run the software and start gathering data, training models, and monitoring the spectrum.


  • Python 3.x
  • RTL-SDR dongle
  • Required Python libraries: numpy, scikit-learn, rtlsdr, configparser, paho-mqtt, joblib


Spectrum Alert provides an essential toolset for anyone involved in monitoring the RF spectrum. Whether you’re tracking down illegal transmissions or simply keeping an eye on your allocated ham bands, this software is a powerful solution that combines RF fingerprinting, anomaly detection, and real-time spectrum monitoring in one easy-to-use package.

With its ability to operate on both high-performance machines and Raspberry Pi, Spectrum Alert is scalable and versatile, allowing you to deploy it anywhere. Combined with its heatmapping and triangulation capabilities, it is an indispensable tool for radio amateurs, law enforcement, and anyone responsible for maintaining order in the RF spectrum.

Get Spectrum Alert Today!

Start using Spectrum Alert to protect your part of the spectrum! For more information, visit our GitHub repository at [].

Let us know your thoughts, or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Ham Radio Programing