Meteo APRS uses the Cyprus Meteorological Center’s API to query and push data to the APRS Network.
It downloads the XML file and converts it to JSON (For easier handling) and queries the data for specific
Stations. They are then pushed to the APRS network using TCP/IP.


  1. Python 3.7 +
  2. Aprslib
  3. Figlet

Issues to tackle

The “live” XML file provided by the Department of Meteorology has a major inconsistency issue. For example, when updating the file it would sometimes remove some stations from the list, which made using hard coded numbering impossible. One other flaw is that not all stations measure the same information, which makes the accurately depicting the area quite difficult. To get around this, data is used from neighbouring stations, for example “Humidity” and “Wind Direction”.


Recom. Heavy Work Load 100 %
Relative Humidity (1.2m) 60 %
Accumulated Rainfall (10 min.) 0.00 mm

# Running

To run the program, just run the main file : 


To Do

  • [x] Sends data to APRS
  • [x] Pulls data from API
  • [x] Fixes some of the format issues of API
  • [ ] Uses TNC to send data
  • [ ] config-file
  • [ ] refactoring


APRS Ham Radio Programing