Tag: Python

Paywalls,Ads and Pain

The overuse of ad spaces on websites has become an increasingly common phenomenon in recent years, and it is having a significant impact on the end user. Advertisements are essential for generating revenue for websites, but when there are too many ads on a page, it can negatively affect the user experience. In this article, we will explore how the overuse of ad spaces on websites influences the end user and what can be done to address this issue.


Meteo APRS uses the Cyprus Meteorological Center’s API to query and push data to the APRS Network.
It downloads the XML file and converts it to JSON and queries the data for specific
Stations. They are then pushed to the APRS network using TCP/IP.

Detecting Spoof Emails with Information Fusion

With the internet becoming an ever evolving technology, ways to protect ourselves from malicious attacks have become ever so important.
Everyday these attacks become more and more intelligent in trying to trick not only the user but also current spam protection systems.
This illustrates that most current implementations lack in detecting the hijacking of already “trusted” email addresses.
Having a system capable of analysing and detecting such malicious attacks would be of great use.
This project aims to create such a system and explore the multiple ways in which Artificial Intelligence and strict filtering rules can leverage advancements in the field of Cyber security and Datascience .